Do passwords ever drive you crazy? Small business owners who manage events, customers and teams will use tons of passwords with their event software and business apps. Countless Passwords can make people’s heads swim these days.
When people talk about password security, they cringe their teeth. They know that they should beef up their passwords because their password for Facebook is the same on as their bank account. Most people use the same passwords for all of their accounts because its easier to remember. The same password can be horrible in the long run because a hacker trying to breach your accounts can get into all of your personal data.
Same Passwords?
Instead of keeping the same passwords for everything or using a birthday or mixture of kids’ initials, it is recommended to use complex passwords. Complex passwords are harder to crack and take supercomputers years to crack, so a simple hacker will not able to break through it.
Password Creation
When creating a complex password, use capital and lower case letters that are mixed in with other keyboard symbols. These types of passwords have not logical wording in them so they are harder to guess. Keeping your password to more than twelve characters will also keep hackers away from getting into your accounts.
photo credit: Phone security via photopin (license)
Patrick Duffek, Founder, Event LightNing Mobile Productivity Apps, has managed over 12,000 events for the Silicon Valley computer giants, organizations and special events over two decades. He doesn’t use any passwords like 12345678.
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