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The Latest Word on Events


You can become more productive when grouping tasks together – and working towards completion of your pressing demands. Many of us are incredibly scattered, and have a hard time finishing one task. Disruptions and distractions come as welcome or unwelcome parts of our daily business. Overcoming the disruption, and completing the tasks is often very difficult to do. Our offices can be filled with important distractions – and event planning can be naturally filled with regular pulls at our attention.

We live in quite the frenetic society, and there are literally thousands of distractions that come at us in many forms these days. We often can feel like we all have attention deficits, or just plain can’t concentrate worth beans on some days. Between text messages, email pings, and other constant notifications, there are many ways that turn our ears and grab our attention.

Specific Hold-ups

I often catch myself not promptly finishing a quote, proposal or request for services intended for a customer. When there is some uncertainty about the event service or the subcontractor, I want to give the best and most current representation of my services within the quote.

These proposals and service requests are the life-blood of any business – and there should be no delay in getting them out.

How do I get these done? I often group them together – and can give focused attention on the task at hand. I can give extra focused attention to the job at hand, and complete several things of the same kind in one sitting. Sometimes I even give myself a small reward afterwards, like something sweet.

Multi Tasking rarely works

We’ve all heard over the years that one can get many things done at the same time. Recent research has shown that the human brain is not designed for simultaneous tasking, but can only concentrate on one thing at a time. Small business owners can achieve more growth and success with goals if they can concentrate and finish one task at a time.

photo credit: Feedback checklist via photopin (license)


    • Hi Dr. Charles – thank you for your comments and question. (Don’t you know already? As a psychic! Sorry, just kidding!)
      My Productivity blogs here give details on doing one’s best as an entrepreneur to be productive and proactive on daily tasks.
      With any specialty service, daily marketing is required and probably including cold calls, warm calls, email campaigns, social media, and more.
      Our GigBase app tracks all contacts, customers, subcontractors, vendors, and other contacts to productively manage special events.
